Evewin Lakra - Entry for - XploreeMoments - #ReviewXploree - Contest (Youtube Video)
Xploree Smart Keyboard Official DownLoad LINK:
Google Play Store App Download Link:https://play.google.com/store
Find Online Offers on Hotels, Foods, Restaurants, Cab Services, E-Commerce Websites, Tech Products & Plenty More all in One Place
100% Safe to Use
Recommended App By:
Evewin Lakra
((( Simplify Your SEARCH LIFE )))

Official Site Info. about
Experience Industry’s First Keyboard Built With Humanlike Sensibilities
This Intelligent Keyboard Can Think For A Change!
Xploree Loves Human Logic
Also Loves Creating Magic
Go Full Throttle With Xploree’s Multi-Faceted And Multi-Lingual Keyboard:
• Xploree smart keyboard makes multitasking on the mobile a cakewalk.
• Senses your affinities and interest areas so that you look no further.
• Recommendations matching your needs are shown right away, from the convenience of the humble keyboard.
• Serves you well in your exact moment of need. Shows places that interest you - like a restaurant, cinema hall, or for cab and hotel bookings.
• Amazes you with offers, solutions and discoveries without letting you leave any existing activity, such as a group chat on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger etc.
• You get meaningful suggestions while chatting about the latest movies in town, planning on ordering a pizza or when discussing about your next holiday.
• Order for food directly from the convenience of the keyboard via Zomato.
• View discovery cards only when you choose to launch them when prompted to.
• Get prompts on availability of discovery cards that matter to you through cognitive icons that mirror your sentiments.
• Access google search with a single tap right from the keyboard itself. No need to open browser or switch apps.
• Save your favorite discoveries so that you can come back and check it out later.
• Sign in Xploree to save your keyboard preferences in the cloud server and sync your personal settings with any device that has Xploree.
• No matter in which device you use Xploree, it will sync your dictionary and keyboard settings.
• The keyboard smartly adapts to your preferences to suggest you contacts, email ids, etc. as you use it more often.
• Xploree ‘Instant’ allows you to quickly access or change any keyboard setting, check out discoveries, favorited cards and new content right from your phone/tablet’s home screen.
Become A Linguist With Crazy Typing Skills:
• Changing preferred language on the Xploree keyboard is super easy with just a simple swipe of the spacebar.
• You can choose from 110+ options that include all international as well as regional Indian languages.
• Have fun texting and chatting in regional Indian languages using the English keyboard – options include Assamenglish, Banglish, Gujaratinglish, Hinglish, Kanglish, Manglish, Marathinglish, Odinglish, Punglish, Tanglish and Tenglish.
• Saves you the tedious typing of any long string of text like address, email ids, etc. by letting you configure custom text shortcuts.
• Teach the keyboard new words that you frequently use but not part of the dictionary.
• Make the keyboard learn short forms and abbreviations – BRB (Be right back), OMG (Oh My GOD!) etc
• 1200+ emoticons and fun stickers that make conversations come alive.
• Many variants of animated keyboard themes.
• Unique user login to maintain keyboard preferences across all devices.
Xploree Values And Respects Your Privacy:
User convenience and privacy are our topmost priority. Our proprietary, light weight NLP algorithm resides in the user’s phone and does not compromise user privacy. We follow strict EULA & data privacy policies and do not capture, store or map users’ data. The only data thread that hits our servers is the context and even that dies with the closing of the keyboard session.
Get Xploree keyboard in 3 Steps:
1 Download Xploree Keyboard
2. Enable it as your default keyboard
3. Choose your preferred language input
4. Type on Xploree Keyboard to find delightful discoveries
Learn More About Xploree Keyboard Discovery App
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